privacy policy

privacy policy wagamama


Notice pursuant to Art. 13 et seq. of EU Regulation 679/2016, 27 April 2016 (GDPR). Pursuant to Art. 13 of the GDPR, and in observance of the principle of transparency, this notice provides information regarding the processing of the personal data of registered visitors to/users of the website and the related app.

** 1. Data Controller, Data Protection Officer and Data Processors** Wagamama is an Italian brand of Chef Express S.p.A. The Data Controller is Chef Express S.p.A. (hereinafter also the 'Data Controller’), and may be contacted in writing at via Modena 53, 41014, Castelvetro di Modena (MO) or by email to The Data Protection Officer, appointed by the Controller, can be contacted by email at The updated list of data processors appointed by the Data Controller pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR, and of persons authorised to process the data, can be viewed at the offices of Chef Express S.p.A.

** 2. Types of data processed** a) Browsing data The IT systems and software procedures that operate this website/app acquire, during their normal exercise, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of internet communication protocols. This category of data includes the IP addresses and domain names of the user’s computer and terminal, the URI/URL (Uniform Resource Identifier/Locator) addresses of requested resources, the time of requests, the methods used to submit requests to the server, the sizes of files returned by the server, numerical codes indicating the status of the server’s response (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and IT platform. b) Data communicated by the user The optional, explicit and voluntary transmission of messages using the website’s Contact form, as well as the procedure for Booking our premises, entail the acquisition of the user's common and contact data, which are required to respond, as well as any personal data included in said communications and required by Chef Express S.p.A. to provide the services it offers. The provision of such data is optional. However, failure to provide data marked as mandatory on the form (i.e. marked with an asterisk: *) may result in the inability to respond to the user or understand their requests, as well as obviating the booking procedure.

** 3. Purposes and procedures of data processing** a) Browsing data Such data is acquired automatically as it is required to operate the internet services. It is also processed in order to: • Obtain statistical information about the use of the services (most popular pages, number of visitors by time period or per day, geographical areas of origin, etc.) • Verify the proper operation of the services on offer. b) Data communicated by the user Personal data communicated by the user using specific forms (e.g. the Contact form), as well as data collected in the course of the Booking procedure, is processed in order to comply with specific requests submitted by the user and to enable access to the services provided by the portal. The personal data provided by users may also be processed by contractors, entities or consortia, appointed as data processors pursuant to art. 28 of the GDPR, which, on behalf of Chef Express S.p.A., provide specific processing services, or related, instrumental or supporting activities. The full list of such subjects is available on request from Chef Express by emailing

4. Legal basis of the processing The processing of browsing data is required for the use of the internet services themselves; data communicated by the user is processed by the Data Controller in executing the contract for the provision of related services.

5. Rights of the data subject The data subject has the right to demand that Chef Express S.p.A. provide access to their personal data, as well as to rectify and erase it, to limit the scope of the processing or object to it. The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority, pursuant to Article 77 of the GDPR. You can exercise your rights as a data subject by emailing

Last revised on: 09/07/2024